Seva: a Sanskrit word for selfless service.
But to me this word embodies more than that, it is filled with compassion, empathy, togetherness, and connection. It is the action of seeking to uplift your community and this living collective, through the understanding and awareness of the needs of others. It is an expression of compassion for each person and their individual experience and how this might affect their access to Western Wellness. Seva reminds me of my promise to continue to nurture inclusive and accessible sacred healing spaces and bring holistic healing practices to those who can’t afford it or are in a marginalized community and have not felt safe in a wellness space. I have seen and experienced a wellness system that caters to the wealthy and pushes a narrative that wellness therapies are only for those who can afford it or are of a certain background and I refuse to continue this story.
As a part of my vision for my ever-growing business, I want to be able to offer my services to those who have felt excluded from wellness centers and/or simply can’t afford it. I understand what it is like to grow up in a poor family who’s medical system took advantage of our wellness. I grew up without access to information on holistic options of healing and under the impression that massage, along with other holistic healing practices, are luxuries not afforded to me. Because of my experiences and my belief that anyone should have access to these healing practices, every month I will be offering a free massage for a different individual in need. And will continue to work with people on crafting a sliding scale option that is affordable. If you are interested in learning more about a sliding scale option or in booking a Seva massage with me please head to my Contact tab and send a message expressing your interest in either option, and a little bit about your experience of the Wellness industry and where you are in your healing journey.